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      Hello and welcome to shanxi Taigu jihong Magang Casting Co., Ltd. !
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      Nine point production of galvanized pipe fittings

      Source: Time:2016-04-23 13:38:54 views:

      Nine point production of galvanized pipe fittings

      Galvanized pipe oiled marking: the inspection and approval of galvanized pipe oiled operation to prevent corrosion, and marking according to customer requirements.

      2. galvanized pipe flattening edge milling: Use anvil machine plate leveling of the original curl, and then through the edge milling machine for two-sided steel milling, so as to meet the requirements of the plate width, plate edge parallelism and slope mouth shape.

      3. Cut galvanized pipe forming: steel sheet curled into a tube along the outer edge of galvanizing.

      4. Cutting galvanized pipe welded: using double-sided submerged arc welding technology to pre-welding, welding inside and outside welding. The pipe is welded using plasma cut foot length specification.

      5. galvanized pipe visual inspection: by professional and technical personnel to some of the basic parameters to be checked.

      6. galvanized pipe ultrasonic inspection: internal and external weld and weld on both sides of the base material 100% inspection.

      7. X-ray detection galvanized pipe: internal and external welds 100% X-ray industrial TV check image processing system to ensure that the use of detection sensitivity.

      8. galvanized pipe pressure test: the hydrostatic testing machine for tube-by-root test to ensure the pipe to test pressure requirements of the standard.

      9. galvanized pipe chamfering flat head: galvanized pipe will be inspected after the pipe end processing, to achieve the pipe end beveling size requirements.


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      Company Name: Taigu County in Shanxi Province Jihong Malleable Iron Castings Co., Ltd.

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