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      Hello and welcome to shanxi Taigu jihong Magang Casting Co., Ltd. !
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      March galvanized pipe trend analysis

      Source: Time:2016-04-18 13:38:33 views:

      March galvanized pipe trend analysis

      Into March, even if galvanized pipe market demand start, will go to the main stock. Therefore, the overall stock market high pressure, or bring some influence to the post-galvanized pipe Shandong market supply.

      On the demand side, after the Spring Festival holiday, domestic galvanized pipe downstream market demand has not significantly release, and businesses are expected to start from the Lantern Festival, the downstream site would have started, market transactions turn a good sign, did not get there in time. From late March, the market will enter the traditional "gold and three silver four", the downstream start site will be significantly improved, large-scale demand for the release of the late, late galvanized fittings may give some support to bring the price.

      Costs from coking coal, coke, iron ore, the markets are well supplied, and most steel mills at a loss, and domestic environmental remediation, production, expanding the scope of the overhaul, the market is destined to suppress the procurement of raw materials prices, especially iron ore prices in January, China imported 86.83 million tons of iron ore and concentrates, historical monthly imports hit a record high, compared with December 2013 increased 13.45 million tons, growth of 18.33%, an increase of 32.48%; imports were price of $ 130.7 per ton, up 2.36%.

      Funding: Festival, debt financing by the steel dispute cases in Shanghai, the domestic banking industry to the steel trade credit limit, resulting in significant financial pressure the market, in addition to Guangdong, Shandong and other steel trade powerhouse have also appeared in major steel trading business even steel factory involved in debt disputes, by the relevant events, galvanized pipe further deterioration in credit market environment, or to the post-financing traders bring some pressure and influence.


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      Company Name: Taigu County in Shanxi Province Jihong Malleable Iron Castings Co., Ltd.

      Address: 108 State Road Hu Taigu County town Magang Industrial Area

      Contact: 15235470280


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